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Organise competitions & events easily with Update 2 of 4

View all · 19 Apr 2023 · revolutioniseSPORT

Our sports management platform is progressively receiving an updated design aimed at improving client experience and efficiency. We’re excited to share our latest update streamlining the competitions and events features, arriving from May 17.



What's changed and what hasn't

We’re updating our platform with a sleeker, refined look designed to improve site navigation and enable administrators to understand their data more easily.

While new colours and layout will be introduced, the key capabilities of our clients’ revolutioniseSPORT portals will remain largely unchanged.

Although the primary capabilities will stay relatively consistent, it’s worth noting that Update 2 of 4 will introduce a new functionality (see home and away fixturing below). This is the result of an improved architecture that gives our platform more space to expand.

Similar to Update 1 of 4, users can expect faster performance, a mobile-first experience, and increased layers of protection.



What is getting a new look in Update 2 of 4?

  • Competitions - rapidly set up a team-based competition, report metrics and manage disputes.
  • Events - Establish and market RSVP & Paid events, create various ticket types as well as communicate with and manage attendees.
  • Account settings - Easily manage, monitor, and modify all account configurations in a single, user-friendly location.



What will this mean for event and competition officials?

As mentioned above, the core capabilities and navigation of the platform will remain largely unchanged. Despite a new look, officials will not be impeded to continue their critical duties.

The major change officials will experience is, once the update is released, they will be prompted to set up two-factor authentication for the first time. This is a simple login process to reinforce security requiring an authenticator app or submitting a one-time email passcode after logging in with a username and password.

🚨 We recommend communicating to event and competition officials in advance on how to set up Two-Factor Authentication (TFA) so they’re well prepared come game day. 🚨




Enhancing fixturing with home and away options

With our new look update, we are introducing automatic home and away fixturing that will provide organisations with advanced and streamlined tools to generate their home and away games at the press of a button.

Home venues for clubs 

With our new feature, clubs can now store their home venues directly on the platform. This means that you can easily manage and update your venues, ensuring that all fixtures are played in the correct location. This feature provides greater transparency and efficiency when managing your club’s home games. 

Generating an even split for home and away games 

Our platform automatically generates as close to an even split as possible for home and away games, providing each team with an equal number of games in each location. This ensures fairness for all teams and helps to eliminate any potential scheduling conflicts. With the ability to configure the scheduling, you can be sure that all teams get an equal chance to play in front of their home crowd.

Don’t want to generate fixtures based on home venues? No worries! You can choose to generate fixtures based on an even split across your competition's venues and times.

Minimising successive home or away games

Our new feature also provides the ability to configure the scheduling to ensure that successive home games or away are minimised. This helps to prevent player fatigue and ensures that games are played at different locations throughout the extent of the competition.

Customisation and flexibility

Our home and away fixturing feature is highly customisable and flexible, allowing you to tailor the scheduling to fit the specific needs of your league or tournament. With our platform, you have the flexibility to manage your fixtures and venues with ease. This feature provides a range of benefits to sports organisations and management teams, including increased efficiency, transparency, and fairness.



🗣️ Over the new few weeks, look out for more updates from revolutioniseSPORT about Update 2 of 4, the rollout of two-factor authentication and resources to prepare your community for our new look update.

Need help communicating Update 2 of 4? Download revolutioniseSPORT's Update 2 of 4 factsheet by clicking here, which can be printed and shared.