In the effort to go environmental friendly and paperless, ADS Doping Control Officers and Chaperones may use their personal mobile phone / devices to show Athletes selected for Doping Control, an electronic copy of the Letter of Authorisation (LOA) when they notify Athletes of sample collection. This LOA is in the same format as the hardcopy LOA used currently, and is generated via the World Anti-Doping Agency’s online Anti-Doping Athlete Management System (ADAMS).
2 The LOA will show the names of Testing Authority, Sample Collection Agency and Results Management Authority, name of Athlete selected for testing, the sample analysis type (urine or blood or both), and the names of Doping Control Officers and/or Chaperones.
3 The Doping Control Officers and Chaperones will also have with them their Anti-Doping Singapore (ADS) Accreditation Card with them as proof of identity. A sample copy of the ADS Accreditation Card may be found on our website:https://www.antidoping.org.sg/public/content.aspx?sid=14
4 Both the LOA and photo accreditation cards are safeguards to ensure only personnel authorised by ADS are allowed to conduct doping control test on athletes.
5 Earlier email communications have been sent to athletes in our Registered Testing Pool and Domestic Testing Pool, and their representatives. We would appreciate if you could help inform your NSA officials, team officials and other athletes about the transition to electronic LOAs. ADS may conduct no advance test on any athlete under the jurisdiction of the NSA.
6 Please do not hesitate to contact Mr Wong Soon Meng at Tel: 65-65005430 or Email:wong_soon_meng@sport.gov.sg if you need any clarification.