ParentsSSA Forum Group 2 - 5 Mar 2021


Fri 05 Mar 2021 7:30PM — 8:30PM
Zoom Session

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

How to help your children enjoy their participation and be successful.

As a parent, how could you influence your child’s experience in sport through the actions you display and the opportunities and feedback you provide to your child. However, sometimes it is difficult to know what feedback to provide to your child, what actions are the “right” actions, and how to best support your child. Let us take you on this moving journey!

The key factor underpinning successful parental involvement in Sport:

Striving to Understand and Enhance your Child’s Sporting Journey



  1. Pressure & expectations: is parental pressure always harmful? (Current Workshop)
  2. Thriving or fading in youth sport: understanding burnout in young swimmers and how to Prevent it (TBA)
  3. Conversations with your swimmers that promote a focus on the process (TBA)