Singapore Aquatics launched the Hands Up for Safe Aquatics Campaign
on 6 September 2023

Singapore Aquatics launched the Hands Up for Safe Aquatics Campaign on 6 September 2023 to raise awareness of the types of abuse and harassment that may happen in the sporting environment. Launched by Mr Eric Chua, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Culture, Community and Youth as well as Social and Family Development, and Singapore Aquatics president Mark Chay, the campaign also aims to educate various stakeholders through a series of workshops. The workshops are conducted by the Safe Sport Commission Singapore for athletes, coaches, sport administrators and parents.
“As the national body for aquatic sport in Singapore, our role is not just to produce champions. Singapore Aquatics must also ensure that we help nurture a safe, conducive environment for aquatic sport enthusiasts of any age, any proficiency level, to be comfortable in the water.” - Mark Chay, Singapore Aquatics President
"It’s important for everyone to understand that abuse and neglect do not just come physically, as athletes also need a nurturing environment free from other forms of abuse to thrive and enjoy their sport. This environment should be provided to athletes from young, so they understand what kind of behaviour is appropriate and what is not."
- Vivien Tai, Artistic Swimmer

The Straits Times - Singapore Aquatics launches Hands Up for Safe Aquatics campaign
Yahoo News - Singapore Aquatics launches campaign to keep sport safe from abuse
More Information
- For NROC coaches (with an existing SportSG-ED account) who have difficulty accessing their account on SportSG-ED
1. Log in via Sportsync > Click ‘SportSG-ED’ tab on the left menu bar > Click ‘Launch’ or
If you can access the SportSG-ED platform, you should see all the e-learning modules on your homepage. Otherwise, use the search engine with keywords for the course "Understanding Safe Sport as a Coach"
If #1 doesn’t work, you should use the alternative log-in at
2. Click forgot password if you do not remember. Do check your spam/junk folder as well.
If #2 doesn’t work, you will need to write in directly to the technical helpdesk for assistance as we are unable to do so.
Email Address:
email subject title: SportSG - Learner – Unable to log in SportSG-ED via forgot password
- For NROC coaches who are New SportSG-ED users will have to register for account creation before accessing their account on SportSG-ED
1. If this is your first time accessing SportSG-ED, please complete the form using the information (SportSync ID, Full Name in SportSync and Email) displayed on the top left-hand corner of your SportSync page.

(Username is your SportSync ID starting with the alphabet “I”.)
Click here to complete the form at this link
Upon account approval (which takes 1 to 2 working days), you will receive an email to set your password. You will be prompted to change your password immediately.
- For NROC coaches (with an existing SportSG-ED account) who completed the module and wish to retrieve the "Understanding Safe Sport as a Coach" Certificate
1. Log in via Sportsync > Click ‘SportSG-ED’ tab on the left menu bar > Click ‘Launch’ or
(Username is your SportSync ID starting with the alphabet “I”.)

2. Click on Completion to view the modules you completed.

3. Search for "Understanding Safe Sport as a Coach" and click View certificate. You may save the certificate on your device.