Singapore Volleyball League 2023


Sat 13 May 2023 08:00 — Sun 11 Jun 2023 14:30

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Registration Fee:
2023 VAS Full Member: $700 per team (sign in to your account to register to be eligible for the discount)
2023 VAS Associate Member: $900 per team (sign in to your account to register to be eligible for the discount)
Others: $1200 per team

Payment must be done together with the registration and verification of the payment must be uploaded to complete the registration. Refer to attachments below for available payment methods.

Registration will close once the maximum cap of 12 teams per gender has been reached.

All participating players must be a paid VAS individual member for 2023 by 30 April 2023. Please use the following link to sign up:

There will be no refund should any of the registered teams fail to turn up for the competition due to any reason.

General Technical Meeting is on 3 May 2023, NSA Office Meeting Room 3 - 3 Stadium Drive Singapore 397630. The GTM will begin at 7.30 pm sharp. Attendance for GTM is compulsory for all teams. Each representative is only able to represent up to two teams (i.e. one men's team and one women's team).

Kindly contact Mr Ng Yun Kwang ( if you have any further enquiries. Thank you very much!


Files for download
Volleyball Singapore Payment Method Singapore Volleyball League 2023_R&R_21 Mar Letter of Waiver and Indemity for SVL 2023 Indoor - O2 Form
